Documentazione progettazione partecipata e Playbook

15 Jun 2016 | categoria:
DA TRADURRE ![image codesign]( During the past months the Municipality of Milan and WeMake met groups of citizens and collaborative communities to start engaging them in Opencare. Then we organized three co-design sessions, which involved participants from different backgrounds and with different needs. Check the reports written by Municipality of Milan for each sessions: [first]( - [second]( - [third]( and [explore the gallery on Flickr.]( ![image playbook]( Wanna know more about methodology? opencare Playbook aka "Co-designing care services: a practical guide" is a little contribute for all innovators who wants to start to make a change in their community. The Playbook describes a general path for starting collaborative processes that you can adapt as needed. The playbook is related to engagement processes (local and online), co-design sessions, prototyping and sharing documentation as parts of the entire process. [Read the Playbook](
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